

In the world for each and every family birth of a child(Baby) is a big occasion. As soon as baby comes in this world, parents are always anxious about the future and career of their child.

Understanding and knowing more about your baby like his emotions, preferences, skills and nature will helps you to pin point some of the common issues related to parent and child. With these valuable informations parents can guide their children in better way and have good parent/child relationship. There is a whole world ahead of them and correct guidance of parents is very important in order to make their better human being and also successfull in his life. This is where astrology come into play to know these information of their child like general interest, mental intellect, capabilities, character, health, education, career, wealth and fame of the child and also parent child relationship and siblings relationship.

We will analyze child's horoscope and provide you following detail in our report:

  •   Behavior and personality traits.
  •   Important events of his life with time periods.
  •   Talents, skills and abilities by birth.
  •   Positive & negatives aspects of his personality
  •   Education, career and professional interest areas.
  •   Important events of his life with time periods.