
Plam Consultancy

Sometimes we want to know our future for taking decisions and for security, but we don’t have any birth data (date, time and place). In such case, either we go for confused way to know the future or we stop searching accurate method, but there is an excellent way to know the future and find the correct remedies, i.e., Palmistry.

In palmistry, we can know every aspect of future (career, health, finance marriage etc.) and remedies concerned like astrology; we just need to follow some instruction of the palmist. Palmistry is also helpful for those people, who have confusions for their birth timings; it can also put some light on the time of birth. Gems and stones can be recommended more accurately with the help of palmistry.

Right hand denotes the part of karmas and left hand denotes bhagya. It is a wrong interpretation that, palmist should analysis left palm of women and right of men. The best suitable time to interpret palm is morning time with empty stomach. By taking food, the colour of hand may change, and it will affect the results of palm reading.

Services of Palmistry:

Palm Report :
By interpretation of both the palms, we give the accurate results for future (health, finance and career) including remedies. In this palm report, we also give the individual analysis of planets and a probable horoscope.

Palm Match Making :
In this report we match the palm of girl and boy for harmonious marital life. It also includes tips and suggestions for healthy marital and love life.

Gems and Stones :
In this report we give you suggestions on the basis of your palm and vibrations. It is a true method of deciding your lucky gem for your career, money and marriage.

