

The ancient science of Numbers known as Numerology, as the name suggests, places excess faith in numerical patterns. Since every number is said to emit a personal vibration, people with different Birth numbers have different characteristics.

Numerological consultation is based on the impact of vibration of numbers on human life. It predicts the destiny of a person taking into account his date of birth and the numerical value of the letters of the name.

There are a number of systems that evolved since the inception of civilization to foretell the present, past and future. Numbers in all forms are closely associated with our lives, in one way or another. There is a number in our birth date, there is one hidden in our name, and then there’s another one latent in the name/s of our business/ profession. The date of a month when an event occurs can be reduced to a particular number, and similarly a year has a number at its heart.

Numerology is a kind of divination, a predictive science that relies on these very numbers and the analyses derived through them. According to Numerology, a lot can be predicted and foreseen about people, their personalities and future, events and their possible occurrences by studying and analysing the numbers related to them.

There are various types of numbers, calculations and techniques, which are employed by Numerology to arrive at these explanations. Prominent number types in Numerology include Life Path Number, Birth Date Number, Personality Number, Karmic Cycle Number and more. There is even a theory that delineates how a person behaves, based on which numbers are present and absent from his date of birth. Unlock this arcane world to unravel your own personality.